The world experienced a global shutdown. Now it’s time we actually pause.
Since its inception—long before the COVID-19 pandemic—Day of Pause has been an invitation for the world to stop for a day. Many people consider this already happened and for well over a year. Yes, elements of our original intention naturally unfolded during the global lockdown, as in the quiet and the stillness, many of us did wake up to notice who and what is truly important to us.
Yet in the chaos and confusion of the shutdowns, much of the world’s noise simply moved online, and with it, a wave of deeper fear, anger, anxiety and hopelessness. And whether we perceive the pandemic as real or not, lockdowns are fractured reactions to a threat. Day of Pause is a conscious collective action to choose to do something. Together. The difference between these two experiences is extreme in it’s outcome.
When we choose, rather than react, something new and powerful comes forth.
And we won’t know what that is until we actually do it. Until we actually FEEL it. Together.
On May 14, 2025, let’s go deeper.
On May 14, 2025,
Let’s do what we can to free up this day as much as possible, for ourselves and each other.
Let’s unplug and put our digital lives aside.
Let’s use this spacious day to feel the support of millions of others as we ask ourselves: